Monday, February 22, 2010

Are my Shoes big enough??

Today is a weird day.
I am feeling less then and not able to accomplish anything to the best of abilities.
It might just be, sorry to say, that time of the month but WOW am I feeling the pressure.
I mean who's to say that I have anything of value to show the world?
Are there not amazing and talented people already showing the world their work?
Why would the world need another "Artist"?

I have no answers to those questions but as my mother keeps telling me,

"It doesn't matter about anybody else. It is what you are experiencing and what you are learning. No one person is the same and you have a different perspective. So keep on trucking and don't measure yourself to anyone."

So, today I am not going to post a description of my process, rather the fact that I am an individual who has an opinion and am striving to find myself. I am searching for ways to express personal feelings and to better my technical skills.

I am not a great artist just one in training wheels.


  1. I think you are great Amber! i'm sorry you are feeling that way! I feel the same way though! this week has just not been my week! I have no desire to do anything. I am very unmotivated by life lately and especially school!

    I think you are an artist. Who says that artists aren't still in training? I think that everyone is in a constant learning phase. No one will ever stop learning, whether it be I learned how to spell the word discombobulated today, or a new artistic style. :) anyways I think that your work is great and not only because you are my friend but that I truly think so.

    Don't put down yourself, you are a great artist!

  2. Keep up the good work. Nothing worth doing is easy. Really, when it comes down to it, does the world need another of anything in any field or any discipline? Not really. But if everyone stopped trying we wouldn't have any of it! Your work is great, art needs you!

  3. Yeah we always go through these downer phases. I'm always thinking about what I'm going to do after I graduate because it seems like there are so many talented people out there. Just looking at other kids' work around campus makes me feel small sometimes. But we are still learning and growing, and as your mom said, no two people are the same so that makes us all unique automatically. But I think hard work and having a great attitude will always pay off in the end.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would go off on why you're awesome, but I don't know you that well (although you give off the quick-witted, chill vibe when we do interacte). So I'm just going to give some succinct advice you can take or ignore, but which has definitely helped me out of similar situations.

    Clearly define your values and live by them.

    Don't harbor self-limiting thoughts.

    Don't ever take defeat seriously. It's temporary and is always a learning experience.

    Keep going, it'll be worth it :)

  6. Ohh, boy do I ever hear you on this one. I'm in the same boat, as are almost all the other artists I know. Regardless of actual skill, it seems that virtually all serious artists consider virtually all others better, or more talented. In my experience, the key is to focus on what you're expressing and why, and to totally forget who you're expressing it to. That way, you don't have to obsess so much over what people think or how bad you are, and just enjoy getting your ideas out and into the world.

    Now, I'll be the first to admit that this is not easy. I merely try to remember these lessons, and often they escape me. But it's worth it to try to keep it in mind: you do art because you enjoy it, and because it's important to you, not for someone else's approval.
